Redevelopment of Vibrant Public Spaces at Srinagar Smart City

Описание к видео Redevelopment of Vibrant Public Spaces at Srinagar Smart City

A 6 kilometers long promenade for walking and cycling forms the riverfront... Parks and public plazas along the Jhelum river attract the young and the old alike. Improved lighting and planned greenery attract passersby to enjoy the place.
The Jhelum river cut through the heart of Srinagar, almost splitting the city in two. For tourism, Smart City Srinagar has focused its energies on creating the Jhelum riverfront.
It has become the first pedestrian market of Srinagar..
The revamped poloview and the jhelum river front have now become the new hotspots of culture and tourism for the city, benefiting both locals and visitors alike.


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