Yu-Gi-Oh! Open Tournament 2024 - Singapore Participation Vlog | 遊戲王公開錦標賽2024 - 新加坡參賽記錄Vlog

Описание к видео Yu-Gi-Oh! Open Tournament 2024 - Singapore Participation Vlog | 遊戲王公開錦標賽2024 - 新加坡參賽記錄Vlog

首次出國參加遊戲王亞洲地區其中一個大型賽事 - YOT SG 2024!拍攝左本次比賽的相關行程作記錄,比自己日後可以重溫下。


First time ever going out of my country to participate in Yu-Gi-Oh! Opentournament - Singapore 2024! One of the biggest tournament event in the Asia region. Took some footage during the trip for the record.

Shoutout to Yi Shuo from SG for recommending Lau Pa Sat to me! Thank you to all nice players that I've came across with during the event, it was nice to meet you all!


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