AI Algorithms and their Impact on Society - Celestine Mendler-Dünner // Cyber Valley Podcast #3

Описание к видео AI Algorithms and their Impact on Society - Celestine Mendler-Dünner // Cyber Valley Podcast #3

Dr Celestine Dünner is a Principal Investigator at the ELLIS Institute Tübingen, co-affiliated with the Max Planck Institute and the Tübingen AI Center.
She develops theoretical and practical tools to understand the interaction between algorithmic systems and society.
Before spending two years in the US as a postdoc at UC Berkeley, she completed her PhD at ETH Zurich, where she was awarded the ETH medal and the Fritz Kutter prize for the academic as well as the industrial impact of her research.

About the Cyber Valley:

Cyber Valley is Europe’s largest and leading center for excellence in artificial intelligence and modern robotics. Its mission and public mandate are to advocate for research, development, application, and acceptance of technologies and methods in the field of intelligent systems. The Cyber Valley Community is a network of AI researchers, entrepreneurs, investors, and start-ups, alongside partners from academia, industry, and society. Cyber Valley GmbH is owned by the State of Baden-Württemberg and the Max Planck Gesellschaft. It acts as the service provider, central organizer, and host for the Cyber Valley Community.

What is the Ellis Institute Tübingen?

The Ellis Institute is set to become a world-renowned center for pioneering basic research in the field of artificial intelligence.The Institute aims to attract the world's best machine learning talent, providing them with outstanding conditions to conduct research in a state-of-the-art facility located in Tübingen, Germany. The vision is part of a broader initiative, the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS), which aims to build a pan-European institution for machine learning research.


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