他清華畢業不回國,花10年在中國民間學廚He Spent 10 years Learning Cooking in China

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【美國小伙羅朗來中國超過20年,是清華中文系研究生。花10年走遍中國,尋根各種食物的發源地,和藏匿在民間的老師傅學習傳統手藝,並以此為來源,改良創作一道道中國菜。他一路上遇到哪些趣事?做的中餐又有什麼創新?和一条來看看吧。U.S. man Luo Lang has been in China for more than 20 years and completed his graduate study in the Chinese Department of Tsinghua University. He spent 10 years traveling through China, looking for the birthplace of a variety of food, learning traditional ways of cooking from home cooks. And starting from there, he improved and created new Chinese dishes. What happened to him along the way? How has he innovated Chinese cooking? Have a look with YIT.】

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