Harness Norwegian listening instead of fearing it

Описание к видео Harness Norwegian listening instead of fearing it

If I had to learn a new language, I would make sure that I spend most of my study time LISTENING to anything in that language that is more or less comprehensible for me and that I can put up with.

And doing that, I would quickly show my back to all my classmates if I was attending a course in addition to my own efforts.

Because this is how you learn to SPEAK a language, rather than just gathering academic knowledge about it.

But if the sole prospect of doing a listening exercise in class gives you anxiety, you're not in a great position to utilize the listening source for learning.

You are stuck in the listening exercise mindset. It's been taught to you, so no wonder.

But you don't want to stay there if speaking with ease and agency and confidence in your learning process are your goals.

How do you feel about listening? Are you using it for learning, or is it a source of stress and a "proof" that your Norwegian "isn't good enough"?

The self-paced course Dare to Speak Out in Norwegian that gets your mindset to the right place and teaches you the essential strategies that will make your Norwegian studies a piece of cake: subscribepage.io/daretospeakout


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