Nez0's Bad Shoppe @ Strickly Sidewayz: Yokomo RD 1.0 vs RD 2.0 "Rookie Drift" Comparison

Описание к видео Nez0's Bad Shoppe @ Strickly Sidewayz: Yokomo RD 1.0 vs RD 2.0 "Rookie Drift" Comparison

Ok everyone gather around! It's time to compare things! Rookie Drift series of chassis from Yokomo has actually evolved this time around with part and setup changes. Previously the 1.0 version of the Rookie Drift was just a name swap from the final version of the YD-2 Z platform which was well received. In this video I will outline the main differences between the 1.0 and 2.0 versions of the Rookie Drift and illustrate why the 2.0 is better in pretty much every way :D Check out my shakedown video for drifting action (it's a monster fyi and I love it). Be on the lookout for other comparison videos of the RD 2.0 against other chassis soon :) Thank you for watching and enjoy the video! :D


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