Beautiful Katamari - Dangerous Colony - 12,321km525cm03cm4mm

Описание к видео Beautiful Katamari - Dangerous Colony - 12,321km525cm03cm4mm

Merry Christmas everybody!

It's been quite a while since I played BK, but this was something I had to record.

Kofize and I had been spending months figuring out how he got over 12k in Dangerous Colony, but thanks to jobnsoso, we finally know.

If you grab one of red meteors at EXACTLY 6300km you'll get a hugesize boost. It's kind of tricky to pull off as there's stars and stuff flying around and everything and it took me a few tries to get it on film, but I did it!

Again credit goes to ‪@Jobnsoso‬ for letting us know the strat. We would've been stuck on this for ages if it wasn't for him, so thanks so much for telling us!


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