Michael Gang - Sneak Peek | Mandapati Kiran | One Media Entertainment

Описание к видео Michael Gang - Sneak Peek | Mandapati Kiran | One Media Entertainment

#MichaelGang #sneakpeek #Moviebuff #OneMediaEntertainment #MandapatiKiran #moviebuffsneakpeek #MoviebuffTelugu #MichaelGangSneakPeek #MichaelGangMovieScene

Banner - One Media Entertainment
Producer - Pardhu Reddy
Story, Screenplay& Editing & Direction: Mandapati Kiran
Dop - Naveen Prakash
Additional Screenplay & Dialogues - Prawin Kumar
Art - Sai Vinay
Posters & titles - Pavan Narava
Lyrics - Promod PV
Pro - Sreedhar
Music Label - One Music

Story of 4 orphans. Those you rised from nothing to powerful ones and their situations that lead them to the path of crime.
Are they good or bad?
Sometimes the path we walk doesn't decide who we are.
Watch the story of Michael and judge him from your view.

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