おひとりさま必見!京都・大阪の韓国グルメ!ひとりごはんにおすすめの身体にやさしいお店特集 Korean food alone

Описание к видео おひとりさま必見!京都・大阪の韓国グルメ!ひとりごはんにおすすめの身体にやさしいお店特集 Korean food alone




0:00 OP
0:27 チェジュ島料理 하하하(ハハハ)
2:48 ピニョ食堂
5:26 中津界隈散策
6:54  雨食堂
7:00 写真展
8:54 ED

In September, my body is not yet ready for a summer trip, so I made a video of me eating around.

For those of you looking for "non-spicy, healthy Korean food that you can get in before opening time if you line up" in Kyoto and Osaka! We have carefully selected photogenic spots to eat alone. We will introduce stylish, delicious, and popular gourmet food that is also popular with women. All of these restaurants are safe to enjoy even if you are alone, so please use this as a reference!

This time, we introduced recommended Korean food in Kyoto and Osaka, but at the end, we took a little detour. In fact, on the way back from the store in Nakatsu, we went to a photo exhibition that we exhibited for the first time, and it felt like a special time that was a little different from gourmet exploration, so we will show you a little bit of that.

9월은 여름여행에는 아직 몸이 붙어 가지 않기 때문에, 먹고 걷는 동영상을 만들었습니다

「개점전에 늘어서 있으면 입점할 수 있다‼️매운 몸에 친한 한국요리」를 교토・오사카에서 찾고 있는 분에게! 포토 제닉 한 혼자 밥 스폿을 엄선했습니다. 세련되고 맛있는 여성에게도 인기있는 음식을 소개. 혼자까지도 안심하고 즐길 수있는 가게뿐이므로 꼭 참고하십시오!

이번은 교토·오사카에서 추천한 한국요리를 소개했습니다만, 마지막에 조금 들르는 길. 실은 나카츠의 가게의 돌아가는 길에, 처음 출전한 사진전에 갔던 모습, 음식 탐색과는 조금 다른 특별한 시간을 느꼈으므로, 그 모양도 조금만 전달합니다

チェジュ島料理하하하(ハハハ)   / hahaha.teramachi_takatsuji  
ピニョ食堂   / pinyoshokudou  
雨食堂   / rainfoodhall  
キタの北ナガヤ https://kitanaga.com/

あなたが主役の写真展 https://photo-is.jp/online/

instagram @umecherry
オンラインショップ https://serenityshop.base.shop/


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