Buster Keaton's "Cops" 1922: A Masterclass in Physical Comedy and Athleticism

Описание к видео Buster Keaton's "Cops" 1922: A Masterclass in Physical Comedy and Athleticism

What struck me most about Buster Keaton's short film Cops was not just the entertainment value or the big chase scene at the end, but Keaton's incredible physical prowess. He showcased amazing strength and agility, performing all his own stunts without doubles. His feats on the ladder in this film are particularly impressive, highlighting his athleticism and coordination.

While the film overall was entertaining, it didn't quite live up to the high expectations set by some reviews. Virginia Fox, who I like, had a very minor role. However, the last five minutes, featuring the famous chase scene with up to 100 cops, was thrilling.

Despite a sore throat, Cops cheered me up. Keaton's blend of physical comedy and stoic expression is truly remarkable, making this short film a classic in his oeuvre.


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