What if Darth Vader AND Ahsoka RAISED Luke and Leia

Описание к видео What if Darth Vader AND Ahsoka RAISED Luke and Leia

What if Darth Vader and Ahsoka Raised Luke and Leia? Let’s explore the depths of this scenario in the video.

Ahsoka and Obi-Wan both stand over the body of Padme Amidala, not believing what just happened. Just a few moments ago she was alive and holding her children, but then her strength fades and she succumbs to exhaustion.

Her last words still ring around in their heads.

Padme: Obi-Wan . . . there . . . is good in him. I know there is ... still . . .

Ahsoka watches the infants begin to wail as if sensing their mothers passing and barely holds back her tears.

Obi-Wan’s face remains a mask, but the grief is clear in his eyes. His voice remains resolute as he talks though. He says how it's too dangerous for them to be together and how they must split up.

The empire knows about Obi-Wan so he decides that Ahsoka should watch the kids while he delivers Padme’s body to Bail Organna. Ahsoka agrees and the two share their goodbyes before departing.

Ahsoka gathers what she’ll need from the medical station. As she finishes packing, she hears the sounds of a report from the medical droid of an incoming imperial vessel.

She immediately knows what's coming and heads out the door. It's too late though as she turns and finds a figure waiting for her in the hallway. He’s covered head to toe in black armor with a cape billowing around him and a lightsaber in his hand.

As he raises a hand towards her, Ahsoka turns and begins to run, reaching for her lightsabers. She doesn’t get far as when she turns the corner, the figure is right behind her and getting closer. His footsteps echo across the halls while his voice thunders underneath his mask.

Vader: Stop!

He’s soon right on top of her with his lightsaber ready. Ahsoka turns at the last second and blocks his attack. The infants wake up and begin to cry. Hearing this, Ahsoka pushes the blade away from them. She spins, bringing her lightsabers in an uppercut which Darth Vader defends against.

The dark lord steps back and then advances, unleashing a flurry of attacks, but none of them are aimed at Ahsoka, but her lightsabers as he tries to disarm her.

Vader: I don’t want to fight!

Ahsoka: You say that after everything you’ve done! After all the Jedi you murdered.

Vader: I had no choice… palpatine - .

Ahsoka: Then go back to your master. I’m sure he wouldn’t want you here!

Seeing his hesitation, Ashoka presses her attacks. They begin to speed up as she strikes from every direction. Vader struggles as he’s unused to his new form and uses the Force to shove Ahsoka back.

He holds her still, careful to avoid hurting the children.

Vader: I am not here for you, believe it or not. I am here for my children.

There was a strange sincerity in Darth Vader’s words and Ahsoka freezes, reminding herself there is still good in Anakin. The two stare at each other and then she deactivates her lightsabers.

Ahsoka: I’m not going anywhere without these kids.

Vader: and I am not leaving without them. So we are at an impasse unless you are willing to join me.

Ahsoka: Laughs. Are you insane? Do you think I’d just join the empire like that? Do you think they would just let me?

Vader: No, I do not. And I doubt I would be allowed to keep them. But perhaps if you were to hide them for me. I shall help raise them and ensure that you will lack no resources.

Ahsoka: I think I might pass on that offer.

Vader: Really now? And what is your plan exactly? What is your plan then? To wander the galaxy like a vagabond? How do you expect to provide for the children?

Ahsoka opens her mouth to retort but doesn’t have an answer. The truth is she doesn’t have one. She plans to simply wander and gather supplies wherever she can. But it's one thing to do it herself, and it's another to have kids.

She glares at her former master but then nods her head.

Vader sets Ahsoka down and proposes his plan. He will provide her access to food, credits, and shelter in exchange she will raise the children. Vader decides to send them to Dathomir as it is remote enough that they will not have to worry about the Empire. More importantly, Maul is no friend of Palpatine.

Ahsoka agrees and heads to the rugged landscape of Dathomir. She stares at the red skies and dense forests as her shuttle descends. She keeps the babies close as she scans the eerie surroundings.

Ahsoka: It’ll be alright, little ones. We’re here to start a new chapter.

She cautiously makes her way towards the fortress once owned by the night sisters. By the entrance, the dark silhouette of Maul emerges, his lightsaber igniting with a menacing hum.

Maul: Ahsoka Tano. What brings you to my domain?

Ahsoka: Maul, I’ve come to bargain.


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