Joseph Patrick Jackson, Lance Corporal, US Marine Corps, Vietnam War

Описание к видео Joseph Patrick Jackson, Lance Corporal, US Marine Corps, Vietnam War

Lance Corporal Joseph Patrick Jackson
DOB: 06/30/1948
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Place of Birth: New Haven, Connecticut
Inducted: 06/30/1967
Discharged: 06/23/1969
United States. Marine Corps
Vietnam War, 1961-1975
United States. Marine Corps. Marines, 13th
Service injury: Yes
Recovering lost patrol
Climbing a tower under fire
Jackson, Joseph P.
Morgansen, PFC Sam
Queen, Capt. Roger A.
Blasi, Capt. Clifford G.
Jackson, Joseph Patrick
Allen Brook
Taylor Common
Meade River
Liberty Bridge
HQ Battery 2nd Battalion 13th Marine Rgt.
Echo 2-13
Lima 4-11
Charlie 1-11
Vietnamese interpreter
Veteran oral history interview published by the New York State Military Museum. The State of New York, the Division of Military and Naval Affairs and the New York State Military Museum are not responsible for the content, accuracy, opinions or manner of expression of the veterans whose historical interviews are presented in this video. The opinions expressed by those interviewed are theirs alone and not those of the State of New York.


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