The Belonging Co LIVE

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We stream live every week:
SUNDAY 9A / 11A / 4P / 7P CT

Subscribe to THE BELONGING CO TV YouTube channel to watch this message again later this week!

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The Belonging Co Conference 2025: Life In Color
September 18–20, 2025
Register at:

Chat Rules: We are all here to worship and join together in community. This is a safe place to be heard and supported. The following behaviors may result in being timed out for a period of time as a warning or blocked completely at the discretion of the moderators.
Spamming with an advertisement for a business or disrupting the flow of conversation with too many comments.

Incessant negativity. We understand life can get hard and you can talk about those things. We ask that if a single person needs counseling, that they let us know by filling out this form ( and not distracting the chat from its intention of community.

Explicit, sexual, racial, or violent language. Harassment will result in being blocked immediately.

If you have been blocked from chatting and you would like to talk to someone from our staff about being unblocked, please email [email protected]

Reglas de chat: Todos estamos aquí para adorar y unirnos en comunidad. Este es un lugar seguro para ser escuchado y apoyado. Los siguientes comportamientos pueden ocasionar que se agote el tiempo de espera como advertencia o que se bloquee por completo a discreción de los moderadores.
Hacer spam con un anuncio de un negocio o interrumpir el flujo de la conversación con demasiados comentarios.

Incesante negatividad. Entendemos que la vida puede ser difícil y puedes hablar sobre esas cosas. Les pedimos que si una sola persona necesita asesoramiento, nos lo hagan saber completando este formulario ( y sin distraer el chat de su intención de comunidad.

Lenguaje explícito, sexual, racial o violento. El acoso resultará en el bloqueo inmediato.

Si se le ha bloqueado el chat y desea hablar con alguien de nuestro personal sobre el desbloqueo, envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected]

qawaeid aldrdsht: nahn jamieaan huna lileibadat walaindimam maeaan fi almujtamae. hdha makan amin lilaistimae 'iilayh wadaemh. qad tuadiy alsalukiat alttaliat 'iilaa ainqida' almuhlat lifatrat min alwaqt katahdhir 'aw tama hazruha tmamana wfqana litaqdir almushrifina.
albarid almuzeaj mae al'iielan ean eamal 'aw taetil tadafuq almuhadathat mae alkthyr min altaeliqat.
salbiat incessant. nahn nafham 'ana alhayat ymkn 'an tusbih saebatan wayumkinuk altahaduth ean hadhih al'ashya'i. natlub 'iidha kan hunak shakhs wahid yahtaj 'iilaa almashurat , fyukhbrna bdhlk ean tariq mil' hdha alnamudhaj ( waeadam sarf alantabah ean nayth fi almujtame.
lughat sarihat 'aw jinsiat 'aw eunsuriat 'aw eanyfat. sayuadiy altaharush 'iilaa hazrih ealaa alfawr.
'iidha tam manaeak min aldardashat wakunt targhab fi altahaduth 'iilaa shakhs ma min muazafina hawl 'iilgha' alhazr , firja 'iirsal barid 'iiliktruni 'iilaa [email protected]


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