Chump and Clump | CGI short film by Stephan Sacher & Michael Herm

Описание к видео Chump and Clump | CGI short film by Stephan Sacher & Michael Herm

Chump and Clump get to know each other at a bus stop. They just missed the bus and are now waiting for the next one, which unfortunately is only scheduled to arrive one week later. To shorten their wait, they make use of all sorts of substances, which leads to them running into difficulties when the bus finally arrives.

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Chump and Clump has been shown at numerous festivals:

Siggraph 2008, Computer Animation Festival. Nominated for the Jury Award. Los Angeles, USA
NociCortinFestival 2008, Noci, Italy
Animasyros 2008, Syros, Greece
22. Internationales Filmfest Braunschweig 2008, Braunschweig, Germany
28. Internationales Festival der Filmhochschulen, 16.-22. November 2008 in München


Directors: Stephan Sacher & Michael Herm
Screenplay: Stephan Sacher & Michael Herm
Producer: Javelle Bauersfeld
Music: Friedemann Matzeit


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