Tunebot - Tuning 10" 12" 14" DW ssc Collectors toms to timbre of shell

Описание к видео Tunebot - Tuning 10" 12" 14" DW ssc Collectors toms to timbre of shell

got a dw kit and found this tuning style to work very well. Also I recently tuned my sonor kit by tapping the shells and tuning the reso head to the note closest and tuned the top the same or just under and they are very low and resonant something I have been trying to do to them since I got them. I cant believe I finally got them down low and every drum resonates the same and sound low and deep. The DW kit though I find blows the sonor kit away. They are both hi end kits and are both amazing but even after tuning the sonor to where they are sounding there best I think and the jumping on the DWs there is just something special about this kit. Maybe its the maple maybe just the drums who knows I have 2 sweet ass kits and feel very lucky. Drum on my friends


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