Angel's Egg Analysis & Theory

Описание к видео Angel's Egg Analysis & Theory

Angel's Egg is a haunting and beautiful film. Just what is it trying to tell us?

So, this is one of my all-time favorite movies and I figured I would kick off this channel by analyzing it. I missed a few smaller details, but the video pretty much summarizes the basics of my theory pretty well.
Here are some extra points that I forgot to include -
The Fishermen: The fishermen are hunting shadows which they can never catch, like how the girl is grasping for something to believe in. This might also have something to do with Plato's Theory of Ideas.
The cross: Symbolizes a heavy burden being carried by the man.
The giant eye: Represents the idea of a god.

All footage and music are from the film Angel's Egg.

Thanks for watching!


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