"THE RISE OF MUSA: From Cradle on the Nile to the Burning Bush"

Описание к видео "THE RISE OF MUSA: From Cradle on the Nile to the Burning Bush"

In ancient Egypt, the descendants of Jacob, known as the Banu Israil, thrived despite the Egyptians' return to idol worship. Pharaoh, once a fair leader, feared the growing influence of the Banu Israil and decreed the death of their male infants. One such infant, Musa (Moses), was set adrift on the Nile by his mother, only to be discovered and adopted by Pharaoh’s wife. Raised as a prince but aware of his true heritage, Musa’s journey from saving a Hebrew slave to encountering Allah at the burning bush marked the beginning of his divine mission to liberate his people. #storytime #prophetstories #ancienthistory


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