MADE EASY #2: An Saorbhriathar/The Passive

Описание к видео MADE EASY #2: An Saorbhriathar/The Passive

0:00 Intro
0:46 What is the Passive?
1:54 Distinction between tenses
3:19 How to form the Saorbhriathar
3:45 Saorbhriathar Endings
3:58 Past Passive
5:13 Present Passive
5:54 Future Passive
6:13 Halfway Recap
6:52 No 'h'
7:25 Long Verbs
10:02 Object Pronouns only
11:02 Irregular Verbs
12:23 'thas' exceptions
14:10 Recap
15:45 Further Resources for Grammar
16:05 Outro

Fáilte go dtí an dara fhíseán inár sraith nua darbh ainm 'Made Easy'. Sa sraith seo beidh muid ag féachaint ar na topaicí 'is casta' sa Ghaeilge, agus beidh muid ag briseadh síos iad i mbealach níos éasca agus níos simplí daoibh.

Le haghaidh an PDF atá luaite san fhíseán:

Le haghaidh neart acmhainní eile, ár bpodchraoladh nua agus an tsraith seo san áireamh:


Welcome to the second video in our new series called 'Made Easy'. In this series we're looking at the most complicated topics in Irish, and we'll be breaking them down in a simple, easy-to-follow format for you.

For the PDF mentioned in the video:

For plenty of other resources, including our weekly podcast and this series, visit



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