Special Announcement: John Carmack & Rich Sutton partner to accelerate development of AGI

Описание к видео Special Announcement: John Carmack & Rich Sutton partner to accelerate development of AGI

A special announcement from Amii's Chief Scientific Advisor, Rich Sutton, announcing a partnership with John Carmack, celebrated software engineer and founder of Keen Technologies, to bring greater focus and urgency to the creation of artificial general intelligence (AGI).

Carmack and Sutton are deeply focused on developing a genuine AI prototype by 2030, including establishing, advancing, and documenting AGI signs of life.

The announcement is followed by an engaging fireside chat with John Carmack and Amii Fellow and Canada CIFAR AI Chair Michael Bowling. Watch the conversation as they discuss innovation in games, open source, virtual reality, rockets and John's vision for the future of AI.

0:00 Keen Technologies Partnership Announcement
16:35 Fireside Chat with John Carmack and Michael Bowling


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