Among Team: Our Covenant ~ April 28, 2024

Описание к видео Among Team: Our Covenant ~ April 28, 2024

Between 2020 and 2023, many people from Arlington Street participated in the “Beloved Conversations Within,” a program of Meadville Lombard Theological School which involves learning about racism and ethnicity. Within is done on Zoom and includes different curricula for white people and for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color). Participants met in learning pods with individuals from all over the United States. If this piques your interest, the Within program is ongoing and offered twice yearly, in the spring and the fall (

In 2023, the Arlington Street Church Transformation Team for Racial Justice applied to do “Beloved Conversations Among.” Between 2023 and 2025, the Among program will address racial justice issues and congregation-wide change. The Among team includes twenty people who completed Within and are working with a coach from a neighboring Unitarian Universalist congregation.

This work is for the whole Arlington Street Church congregation and the Among team hopes for your support and participation. In this video, members of the Among team – familiar faces to many of you – shared the team's covenant. To begin, you will hear from Among team member Lois Hartsough, who believed in the work so much that she provided the financial support to make it possible.

More information about Beloved Conversations Within:


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