Production Diary 9 | Richard II | Royal Shakespeare Company

Описание к видео Production Diary 9 | Richard II | Royal Shakespeare Company

Richard II has now opened in Stratford-upon-Avon to positive audience reactions and reviews. In this diary we go behind the scene in the lead-up to a preview show.

Keith Osborn, who plays Sir Stephen Scroop, meets us at the stage door and takes us into the dressing rooms for pre-show preparations.

James Kitto, the duty manager, greets us front of house as the team prepare to welcome the public.

The doors open and theatre-goers arrive. Backstage, Klare Roger from the stage management team begins the count down to curtain up with a thirty minute call ...

Richard II plays in the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon from 10 October to 16 November 2013. It transfers to the Barbican 9 December to 25 January.

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