International Dance and Arts Festival (IDAF) 2024, Hungary - BINUS SCHOOL Simprug Culturific Club

Описание к видео International Dance and Arts Festival (IDAF) 2024, Hungary - BINUS SCHOOL Simprug Culturific Club

From Indonesia to Hungary!

BINUS SCHOOL Simprug Culturific Club represented Indonesia at the International Dance and Arts Festival from 13 to 19 June 2024 in Hungary!

They successfully fascinated everyone by performing three traditional dances: Tari Bajidor Kahot, Tari Kreasi Nusantara, and Tari Ratoh Jaroe, and promoted Indonesian culture on the International stage. Not only that, they also had the opportunity to watch performances from many other countries.

We would like to thank Ms. Elsya Simamora as the Culturific Club supervisor for giving the students this amazing opportunity, Bapak Yudhi Gunawan as the Deputi Kepala Bidang Sosial Budaya & Diplomasi Publik, Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia, and Mr. Zoltán Balaicz, the Mayor of Zalaegerszeg.

Hopefully, through this experience, the students gain valuable insights into enriching Indonesian dances and #DiscoverNewHorizons.

Instagram: @binusschool_simprug
TikTok: @binusschoolsimprug

For more information:
Hotline: 0804 169 6969
WhatsApp: +62 811 9700 6969
Email: [email protected]


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