Ya Ghazal Music Album 2017 by Mohamed Shahin!

Описание к видео Ya Ghazal Music Album 2017 by Mohamed Shahin!

Yaaay I’m very blessed to announce the Released Date for YA GHAZAL music album; Released party will take place at NYCairo Raks Festival.
Come celebrate with me and get your signed copy on Thursday April 20th at the Skyline Hotel NYC ☺

I’m very excited to share with you my latest creation, it has been a memorable journey filled with countless hours and sleepless nights to bring you this beautiful album with the highest quality and cutting edge artistic vision. Over a year and half with lots of very talented people to make this come to life, I want to thank my engineer and composer Nader Zakaria for his talent and relentless dedication and tireless effort and to tolerate my demands, needs and to keep up with my requirements and passion for this music.

I also want to thank all the musicians and singers who worked with me especially the Powerful Khaled Badawy, one of the best drummers in the world who added so much flavor to this album.

To pre-order, go to http://mohamedshahin.net/shop.html

1. YA GHAZAL / A powerful dynamic new Mejanse
2. AISH MAAYA / A classic re-arranged song for the legendary Nagat Elsaghir
3. HASHTAKA / A playful new composed song
4. EL-AMAR / Challenge mixed modern & golden era style Mejanse
5. HELW YA BALADI / A Spicy accordion Baladi
6. AGHADAN ALQAK / A classic re-arranged song for the legendary Um Kulthoum
7. MOUZA ISKANDARANI / flirtatious Melaya leff Iskandarani song
8. YABOU EL-KALAM / A classic re-arranged song for the legendary Sabah
9. YA GHAZAL – Edited to 5:48

#mohamedshahin #orientalmusic #nycairo #nycairofestival
Francis Hernandez​


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