Stop Supporting Their Racial Hierarchy!

Описание к видео Stop Supporting Their Racial Hierarchy!

Dr. Frances Cress Welsing was an advocate for mental health and the Black community. Dr. Welsing received her medical degree (M.D.) from Washington, D.C.’s Howard University in 1962.

In 1991 Welsing published her most famous work, a collection of essays titled The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors, which discussed in depth the issues of white supremacy and racism in the United States. In The Isis Papers, Welsing delved deeper into her theories of melanin deficiency among whites as the driver of racism, white supremacy, and white segregation. In the process of psychoanalyzing white racism, Welsing also discussed the importance of recognizing racial behaviors and symbols among blacks that were psychologically damaging and which needed to be countered and destroyed.

Visit for more information about her life and contributions.

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