WWDC 2024: Evolution or AI REVOLUTION‽

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No hardware at WWDC? M4 in a Mac when? In fact when are all the Macs coming? First, let’s talk software updates, and then we’ll look at the hardware roadmap. And if you’ve been wondering where I’ve been, that’ll be right at the end. We’ll even do Dub Dub Bingo predictions.

iOS 18
New look - but not as huge as iOS7 from 6 - You’ll get way more control over your Home Screen, and change your icon colours - note, perhaps not use custom icons easily, but maybe colour by category, which I assume would be based on Apple’s AI to produce a two colour version of an app icon and allow you to pick the main background colour, highlight or icon colour or both. Pretty neat, maybe you’ll even be able to pick a gradient, or maybe Apple will intelligently add a gradient based on the main colour you pick. Either way, you’ll be able to make your iPhone more personal than ever. Yes, Android has been able to have custom icons forever, but this is likely to be a bit more guard-railed and probably tasteful. There’s also rumours we could see way more custom options in control centre, general touch ups across the board of all of Apple’s own apps, and of course, the huge AI upgrades we’ve been hearing about will likely show themselves way more in Siri. That “Action Packed” strap line we’ve seen too, sounds a lot like the promises made and broken by Rabbit R1 and their Large Action model, so I have a feeling we’ll see Siri having way more access to your Apps and the ability to perform actions in them based on your requests. How great would it be for Siri to FINALLY be really useful? And of course, Apple’s privacy focus will extend to their AI tools, and while some tasks will be on device on the Neural engine, what happens off device is apparently going to be on Apple Silicon powered servers with their own secure enclaves, and somehow Apple has a way to do the operations without decrypting the files? That sounds impossible, but hey, what do I know.

iPadOS 18
As usual, iPad will get whatever the iPhone got last year. Bazinga. But seriously, I’m already standing by for all the takes straight after the event (when I’ll be doing our traditional live stream by the way, as well as right before the event to get the hype going) for everyone complaining that their iPad is still an iPad and not running macOS. However, I think there’s a non-zero chance Apple has a similar feature to Catalyst which brought iPad apps to the Mac that goes the other way for M chip based iPads, so you can run individual Mac Apps, possibly with an easy wrapper system that developers can apply to their Xcode projects. That may be enough to keep some of the iPad Master Race kids happy.

watchOS 10
You know what? I got nothing. Maybe there’ll be some new workout styles added to Fitness tracking, maybe a new watch face designer that gives some more freedom with adding complications, beyond that I have no idea - but let me know in the comments what you think is missing from watchOS - longer battery life is not an answer here - I know what you lot are like!

macOS 15
Here again it’s tricky to know what to predict, but based on Apple’s AI push, perhaps we could see Apple sherlocking products like Grammarly, Notion and Text Expander, helping you to re-word your writing in different tones and styles for different settings. Will we get a visual overhaul with macOS too like iOS? Maybe, but Apple has a way of staggering these - macOS kept it’s OSX look until Big Sur in 2020, while iPhone got the iOS 7 flat look way back in 2013. That’s a big gap, but wouldn’t it be great if we did have a nice visual upgrade across the board… maybe with some of that VisionOS transparency? Speaking of which…

visionOS 2
Apple Vision Pro has only been in real humans hands since February, and not that many hands at that, as it’s still only officially available in the US. It is, however pretty much as magical as you’d hope, I got to spend an hour using Sigmund’s headset a couple of months back, the depth is incredible, another level compared to Meta and Pico headsets. I’d imagine we’ll probably hear more from Disney about some more environments and future content that’s coming. Could we see new functionality coming with the Apple Pencil Pro becoming some kind of a Magic Wand controller for Vision? Maybe!

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