Getting Back Together After Years | Can You Get Your Ex Back After Years Apart?

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Getting Back Together After Years | Can You Get Your Ex Back After Years Apart?

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Getting back together after years

If you're watching this video today we want to tell you that getting back together after years apart is possible. If you're watching our videos on Love Advice TV, you know how important we think about the happiness of the relationship and the values of the relationship. So if you intend on getting back together after years, you need to make sure that that person has changed for the best. What does it mean exactly?

We need to make sure that you will not do the same mistakes. It's really important to ask - What did you learn after these years? What did you learn with the breakup? What do you think will be different in our future? It's really important to understand what did they learn by the time you were apart. And if you can make sure that your values - what is really important for you and for your ex - are the same, your relationship will be strong. If you can make sure that your project are the same your relationship would be amazing. If you can make sure that you will be happy together because you share some common interest, your relationship will be awesome.

People that we've coached, they were getting back together after years apart, we're scared to talk because they feel it's a lot of pressure. And we know it, and we get it. The problem is if you're not talking to each other now, you will let the problems and the question just becoming bigger and bigger. And this is where your relationship will explode because we've seen a lot of couple, the relationship was working very well after years apart. But unfortunately we've seen some other situation where because they didn't talk, because they didn't share their values, they didn't share their projects, after couple of months, the same problems than before, that in the past, we're still here.

We really want to help you to not do the same mistake anymore. So if you want to get back with someone you love, if you want to get back with your ex after years apart, you need to communicate. You need to make sure that your project, your plans for the future are the same, this is where the foundation will be important. It's not about "Do you love each other?" It's not about "Do you want to get back together?" It's really about "What do you wanna build?" And if you can understand this difference, we can guarantee you your relationship would be the best one. You will be the happiest woman or man in the world because then you will build something new something different and all the mistakes from the past, we will not pay attention to them. And this is just the beauty of love, this is the beauty in our society, we can get back with people years after. And if we can create some chemistry then this relationship will be amazing because we learn from our mistake, we learn from breakup, and this is what you need to ask question to your ex, to make sure that you are both on the same page.


Our Mission is to help people find happiness in love, and to provide individuals and couples with the communication tools and relevant techniques to be together in healthy sustainable relationships.

Over the years we have helped people in all types of breakups, separation and divorces successfully get back together, and I highly encourage you to look into out how we’ve been so successful.

We offer one on one Private Coaching Sessions for individuals who are interested in speeding up the process of breakup recovery and get back together with the person they love quickly by letting our experts guide you personally:

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It would truly be our pleasure to help you be and with the one you love, as always keep fighting the good fight and I wish you all the very best.

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