A Tabletop Travel Guide to Abeir-Toril

Описание к видео A Tabletop Travel Guide to Abeir-Toril

A quick travel guide introduction to the world we have all played campaigns upon, Abeir-Toril!

I will be releasing coming videos on description and lore of the worlds in which we play our TTRPGs. Join me as we explore, discover and learn more about these places and events that show up in our campaigns!

Let me know in the comments which geographic location, historical event, notable person, creature, deity, etc... you would like me to cover next!

Support me on Patreon @ TabletopTravelGuide!

Business Email or Art Submissions: [email protected]


Ed Greenwood, Jeff Grubb (1993). Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 2nd Edition. (TSR, Inc) ISBN 1-56076-605-0
Forgotten Realms Wiki (and references therein)


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