Civ VI | Natural Wonder Tier List

Описание к видео Civ VI | Natural Wonder Tier List

Hello everyone, I call myself Zondagskind, and I like to play Civilization VI. In this video, I rate all the natural wonders you can find in the game. Be sure to let me know what ratings you agree and disagree with!

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Sid Meier's Civilization VI | Firaxis Games

Commentary | Editing:


00:00 Introduction / Call To Action

01:45 Desert
02:30 Delicate Arch
02:50 Eye of the Sahara
03:24 Sahara el Beyda
03:58 Uluru

04:33 Lake
04:56 Crater Lake
05:26 Dead Sea
05:57 Fountain of Youth
06:45 Ik-Kil
07:14 Lake Retba

07:44 Volcano
08:13 Eyjafjallajökull
08:46 Mt. Kilimanjaro
09:19 Mt. Vesuvius

10:02 Trickster
10:22 Giant's Causeway
10:52 Lysefjord
11:21 Pamukkale
11:51 Zhangye Danxia

12:26 Terrain
12:59 Chocolate Hills
13:31 Cliffs of Dover
14:06 Gobustan
14:24 Pantanal
15:01 Ubsunur Hollow

15:34 Minor Yield
16:06 Mato Tipila
16:38 Matterhorn
17:14 Tsingy de Bemaraha

17:48 Ocean
18:30 Bermuda Triangle
19:13 Galápagos Islands
19:47 Great Barrier Reef
20:32 Hạ Long Bay
21:15 Piopiotahi

21:58 Major Yield
22:36 Mt. Everest
23:22 Mt. Roraima
24:23 Païtiti
25:06 Torres del Paine
26:14 Yosemite

26:27 Conclusion / Outro


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