Dassault Rafale Factory - Installing Jet Engine To Fighter Plane

Описание к видео Dassault Rafale Factory - Installing Jet Engine To Fighter Plane

A rare peek inside the Dassault aircraft factory. How Rafale fighter jets are built.
Plane: Dassault Rafale

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   • Dassault Rafale  

(C) Jukka O. Kauppinen 2022
Video materials provided by Dassault

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About Dassault Rafale:

The Rafale, a fully “Omnirole” fighter, is available in three variants:

Rafale C single-seater operated from land bases,
Rafale M single-seater for carrier operations,
Rafale B two-seater flown from land bases.

All variants share a common airframe and a common mission system, the differences between naval and land versions being mainly limited to the undercarriage and to the arresting hook.

The Rafale, with its “Omnirole” capabilities, is the right answer to the capability approach selected by an increasing number of governments.
It fully complies with the requirement to carry out the widest range of roles with the smallest number of aircraft.
The Rafale participates in permanent “Quick Reaction Alert” (QRA) / air-defense / air sovereignty missions, power projection and deployments for external missions, deep strike missions, air support for ground forces, reconnaissance missions, pilot training sorties and nuclear deterrence duties.
The Air Force single-seat Rafale C, the Air Force two-seat Rafale B, and the Navy single-seat Rafale M feature maximum airframe and equipment commonality, and very similar mission capabilities.
The Rafale is safe and easy to fly in all flight regimes, featuring the same precise, yet benign handling performance in all load-out configurations throughout the flight envelope.


Rafale edustaa delta/canard-rakennetta. Kaksimoottorinen kone on suurelta osin ranskalaista valmistetta aina aseita myöten. Kone on ketterä ja suorituskykyinen, ja sillä on pieni tutkaheijastus. Ensilentonsa Rafale teki 1986. Se suunniteltiin Ranskan irtauduttua Eurofighter-hankkeesta.

Rafale on sekä Ranskan Ilma- ja Avaruusvoimien että merivoimien päähävittäjä. Merivoimille kehitetty Rafale M on varustettu tukialustoimintaan ja operoi Ranskan merivoimien Charles de Gaulle lentotukialukselta. Ranskan ilmavoimat käyttävät myös konetyypin kaksipaikkaista versiota vaativissa lentotehtävissä, jolloin takaohjaamossa istuva ohjaaja vastaa koneen monipuolisesta sensori ja asejärjestelmäkokonaisuudesta.

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