【恵那市】大正村と岩村城下町 : Walking Around Nihon-taishomura and Iwamura castle town(Gifu, Japan)

Описание к видео 【恵那市】大正村と岩村城下町 : Walking Around Nihon-taishomura and Iwamura castle town(Gifu, Japan)


Nihon Taishomura is located in Akechi-cho, Ena City, Gifu Prefecture. This is an area that retains the buildings and townscapes that were limited to the Taishō era(1912-1926).
Iwamura Castle began construction in 1185 (the first year of Bunji). In 1572 (Genki 3rd year), a woman named Otsuya became the lord of the castle.

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00:00 タイトル(Title)
00:11 大正村散策(Walking Around Taishomura Village)
04:22 旧三宅家(Former Miyake House)
05:37 大正村散策(Walking Around Taishomura Village)
06:44 うかれ横丁(Ukare Yokocho)
07:41 大正村散策(Walking Around Taishomura Village)
07:58 旧郵便局(Old Post Office)
08:04 資料館(Taishomura Museum)
08:33 岩村駅(Iwamura Station)
08:42 岩村城下町(Iwamura Castle Town)
12:11 なまこ壁通り(Namako Kabe Alley)
12:49 岩村城下町(Iwamura Castle Town)
14:05 ひな祭り(Hina Dolls)
14:10 岩村醸造(Iwamura Brewery)
14:15 岩村城登城口(Iwamura Castle Entrance)
14:57 岩村城跡(Iwamura Castle Ruins)
16:20 恵那峡(Enakyo)



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