Munthu Okwiya Amatola Yekha Mwala - Billy Malata

Описание к видео Munthu Okwiya Amatola Yekha Mwala - Billy Malata

On Nyasa VoiceBox, social commentator Billy Malata warns Malawians to be cautious about what they hear on social media. He also claims that the individuals involved in the scuffles in Ntcheu during the funeral of the late Vice President Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima were not from Ntcheu but were hired mercenaries paid by some politicians.

Pothirira ndemanga pa Nyasa VoiceBox, Billy Malata wapempha amalawi kuti asamale ndi zomwe amamva pama social network. Iye watinso anthu omwe adachita chipongwe ku Ntcheu pamaliro a wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko lino malemu Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima sanali ochokera ku Ntcheu koma adalembedwa ganyu ndi andale ena.



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