Kitchen Cabinet Factory: Welborn Cabinets - Did You Know?

Описание к видео Kitchen Cabinet Factory: Welborn Cabinets - Did You Know?

A few numbers will give you an idea of just how much variety Wellborn has to offer the consumer. Wellborn has over 100 door styles in over 35 finishes – with 700 different accessory cabinets. Get ready to do plenty of decision making if you’re building or remodeling the kitchen or bath.

Wellborn is a family-owned and operated company founded in 1962. Located in the foothills and timber country of the Appalachian Mountains in Ashland, Alabama, Wellborn Cabinet, Inc. now encompasses over 1,200,000 square feet and operates its own timber processing mill.

A point that we made during the story bears repeating. Wellborn does its utmost to cut down on waste and make cabinet-making environmentally friendly. For instance, the bark removed from trees in the sawmill is not thrown away. Instead, Wellborn burns the bark and other wood chips. Some of the resulting energy provides heat that helps dry the lumber before it goes further into the manufacturing process. Wellborn also harnesses some of that energy to generate electricity at the plant.

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Wellborn's unique finishing system is something in which the company takes great pride. It’s an 18 step system that Wellborn says enhances the beauty of solid wood doors, drawer fronts and face frames. Hand sanding is a key to eliminating scratches and hand rubbing the stain ensures smooth even color. Wellborn applies two coats of high moisture resistant vinyl sealers before a final topcoat of catalytic conversion varnish is applied. The finish coats are baked on to create a tough, durable protection that keeps a lustrous furniture-like shine for years to come.

Wellborn doesn’t believe that the work is done once the product leaves its assembly building. It has something called a Warehouse on Wheels program, designed to assure consumers of fast delivery of inventoried door styles. Wellborn ships its cabinets weekly on its own fleet of Wellborn trucks, employing drivers whose responsibilities include providing personal assistance to customers.

If you’re in the market for cabinets, do a good amount of looking around prior to buying. Remember, you’re probably going to spend a large amount of money on this home improvement – and then you’re going to look at them every time you walk into the kitchen or bath. Take the time and make cabinet shopping an educational process. In a short time, you’ll be able to discern quality work from sub-standard. And, as always, in addition to retail stores, do some shopping on-line.

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