Your dream reality will cost you your current self.

Описание к видео Your dream reality will cost you your current self.

In this episode, Joy discusses the key difference of the mindset, attitudes and actions between those who are able to manifest successful changes and change their reality and those who are not. She covers topics like fear of the unknown, facilitating change by breaking out of autopilot, maintaining sustainable change, and how small things like habit building and consistency can accumulate massive results overtime.

12 Month Group Coaching/Community (includes courses):

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Follow me on instagram: @dream with joy

Keywords: Shift your reality, manifest your dream life, change your reality, change your 3D, law of attraction, law of assumption, metaphysics, spiritual growth, level up, glow up mentally, manifestation, manifest your desires, manifest anything, neville goddard, abraham hicks, wish fufilled state, how to manifest anything, manifest commitment, manifest wealth, manifest abundance, manifest an SP, shift realities, parallel realities, reprogram your subconscious, create your reality, expand your consciousness, raise vibration, alignment, letting go, detachment, surrender, faith


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