Home Network Build #4 - Success!

Описание к видео Home Network Build #4 - Success!

OK, we had a plan to install and reconfigure the gear. The Linksys wireless home gateways have been installed, same with the Netgear switch. So the big question is whether or not we achieved the spectrum use we wanted and did we get a speed increase? The answer is ..... yes! It's awesome!

Big changes - spectrum, channels, mode of operation and cleaning out the old equipment.

This whole series started with the question: What's on my network? And here is the video series:
What's at layer 4 - applications?    • What's on my network at layer 4 - let...  
What's at Layer 3 -    • What's on my network at Layer 3? You ...  
Home Ethernet -    • Ethernet and your Home Network - lear...  
What the heck? Getting started at home -    • What the heck is on my network?  
Scans and Speed tests -    • Home Network Build #2 - Site Survey T...  

We are going to start with the wireless side of things so here is the more in-depth 802.11/WiFi series:
Part 1 The Alphabet Soup of Standards:    • 802.11 Wireless part 1: Alphabet Soup...  
Part 2 Access Points and Joining a Cell:    • 802.11 Wireless part 2: Access Points...  
Part 3 Header Control fields:    • 802.11 Wireless part 3: Peek into fra...  
Part 4 Getting started with the access method - the PCF and DCF:    • 802.11 Wireless part 4: Getting start...  
Part 5 802.11 Wireless part 5: Sending data in the DCF, obeying CSMA/CA and deciding on RTS/CTS:    • 802.11 Wireless part 5: Sending data ...  
802.11 Part 6: Comparing wired and wireless topologies with iperf3:    • 802.11 Part 6: Comparing wired and wi...  
802.11 Part 7: Network Construction:    • 802.11 Part 7: Wireless Network Const...  
802.11 Security:    • 802.11 Part 8: Wireless Security  

Books and other products for networkers

Packet Guide to Core Network Protocols: https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/...

Packet Guide to Routing and Switching: https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/...

Packet Guide to Voice over IP: https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/...

Network Engineering Fundamentals: https://www.oreilly.com/videos/networ...

Advanced Network Engineering: https://www.oreilly.com/videos/advanc...

Virtualization, Networking, and Storage: https://www.oreilly.com/videos/virtua...


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