5 UNIQUE Ways of using Trichoderma Bio-fungicide in Garden | How to Multiply Trichoderma Viride?

Описание к видео 5 UNIQUE Ways of using Trichoderma Bio-fungicide in Garden | How to Multiply Trichoderma Viride?

5 UNIQUE Ways of using Trichoderma Organic Bio-fungicide or Organic Fungicide in Garden and How to Multiply them? Tricoderma Viride and Tricoderma Harzianum

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Description of the Video:
This video is all about different ways of using Trichoderma Viride and Trichoderma Harzianum in garden. We discussed 5 unique ways of applying this bio fungicide in your plants. Most interestingly, we also show an innovative method of effectively multiplying this beneficial fungus from hosehold ingredients. If you find the video useful, please like it and leave a comment. Also don't forget to subscribe to my channel. This will encourage me a lot to make many more useful contents related to gardening. Also, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you have any further questions. You can usually expect a quick response from me.
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Amazon affiliated link to buy Trichoderma (online India):
Trichoderma Harzianum 1.0% Wp - https://amzn.to/4bNPeWL
OrganicDews Trichoderma Viride Powder - https://amzn.to/49J0AJC
Go Garden Trichoderma Viride Powder - https://amzn.to/3IebL1f
GUARD Certified Trichoderma viride - https://amzn.to/3P0CthX

#grownmore #trichoderma #trichodermaviride #trichodermaharzianum #fungicides #fungicide #biofungicide #organicfungicide #fungustreatment #plantdisease #organicfarming

5 UNIQUE Ways of using Trichoderma Bio-fungicide or Organic Fungicide in Garden and How to Multiply them? Tricoderma Viride and Tricoderma Harzianum
00:00 - Intro
00:29 - What is Trichoderma and its Use in Agriculture
02:40 - How to Use Trichoderma for Soil Preparation
03:18 - Trichoderma for Seed Treatment
03:50 - Using by Soil Drenching
04:12 - Trichoderma as Bio Fertilizer
05:31 - How to Multiply Trichoderma

Your queries:
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