Bippo & Beppo the rats get Ice Cream

Описание к видео Bippo & Beppo the rats get Ice Cream

Bippo and Beppo are just the tiny little rat guys, and today they get to lick a little ice cream.

Note: A lot of folks have noted Bippo makes a honking sound! For some background, Bippo had a mycoplasma infection as a baby that he recovered from with antibiotics from the vet, but it scarred his sinuses. He made little honks like this for the rest of his life, and even learned to use them to communitcate-- he'd yell to get our attention or when we said "I love you". He had some flareups of respiratory issues throughout his life, and we were a regular at the vet. He lived almost three years. He also had a spinal issue when we adopted him that impaired his mobility a little. He aged, he also got hind leg degeneration, leaving his back legs paralyzed and atrophied. He didn't let this stop him! He was very wiggly, and wiggled his way everywhere happily.


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