Canadian Army Newsreel No. 106

Описание к видео Canadian Army Newsreel No. 106

106.1 Khaki U Hosts Future Governor-General Lieutenant-General G.G. Simonds greets Field Marshal Harold Alexander and Lady Margaret Alexander with the school’s proxy Brigadier G. E. Beament in Hertfordshire, England for the opening of the second term at Khaki School of Canada; Lieutenant Francis Hupton of the Royal Canadian Engineers studies British transportation systems; in London’s Royal College of Nursing, Nursing Sister Mary Combe studies to be a hospital administrator; Lieutenant Sandbrooke takes a refresher course at the Architecture Association School in London; a private attends an extension course in copper work at the J. Russell Company, a noted British ship repairing firm; Corporal Jolicoeur studies to become an x-ray technician at the Ilford Radiographic School.

106.2 Nelson Gets Onceover
Soon-to-be-repatriated soldiers gather in Trafalgar Square in London to see steeplejack William Larkin climb to the top of Nelson’s Column to perform a check on its post-war condition.

106.3 Army Vehicles for Farmers
The War Assets Corporation and farmers’ organizations hold a draw in Montreal to allocate army trucks; a farmer picks up his “new” vehicle in the truck yard; a jeep pulls a plough in Ottawa.

106.4 Eisenhower Visits Canada
Dwight D. Eisenhower lays a wreath at Ottawa’s War Memorial; he gives an address at the University of Toronto (actuality sound) after receiving an honorary doctorate of a law degree.

106.5 Glengarrians Invent Broomball
In Appen, Germany, a special duty platoon of Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry Highlanders plays broom hockey; slipping and sliding on the ice in their boots.

106.6 Fashion Show
Servicewomen and civilians attend a special fashion show in Halifax; models on the runway in Canadian designed clothing.

106.7 Aluminum Houses Relieve Shortage
The Shipshaw Dam in the province of Quebec produces hydroelectricity; bauxite tanks; aluminum is heated and cast into ingots; alloys are made in Kingston and made into sheets; prefabricated aluminum housing under construction in the shop; a house is folded up; full scale packed up, little house on site. The newsreel closes with the narrator saying “Now, as the final story in the final issue of the Canadian Army Newsreels comes to a close, the entire staff wishes you all health, wealth and happiness in Canada, our home.”


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