Powerful Brain Wave Massage Frequency Sound

Описание к видео Powerful Brain Wave Massage Frequency Sound

Brain Massage Frequency Sound

15 Hz Crown Chakra Activation 2675 Hz
Extremely Powerful Frequency
432 Hz Miracle Meditation Music

This Music has been tuned to A4 = 432 Hz and 60 Bpm
432 Hz Resonates with all the 7 Chakras and Universe Oneness
In this track You Will Feel:
Binaural Beats, Monaural Beats and Isochronic Tones at once

It features:
2'675 Hz Pineal Gland Resonator ► Crystal Frequency
40 Hz Brain's Operating System ► Brain Frequency
15 Hz Crown Chakra Activation ► Alpha-Beta Frequency
432 Hz Miracle Meditation Music ► Tuning

Crown Chakra Activation
Energize Pineal Gland Crystals
Transform Life into Miracles

2'675 Hz The Crystal Resonator
A sub-harmonic of the frequency of quartz crystal.
Extremely effective for charging and clearing quartz crystals.
Useful for clearing and balancing of their own energies.
Some claim it energize crystals in the brain.
Others say that it activates aspects of the auric field.


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