Everyone tries to give Furfrou to DumbDog | Weekly DumbDog Clips #-1

Описание к видео Everyone tries to give Furfrou to DumbDog | Weekly DumbDog Clips #-1

  / dumbdog  
Watch and support DumbDog live on Twitch.
Highly recommend.

This is not DumbDog's channel. That is:
   / @dumbdog  
He has an editor, posts mostly interesting and edited Among Us games and more recently It takes two episodes.
Highly recommend.

I'm not the same person as the one running this channel:
   / @zingzong  
They're doing a great job there with NL Twitch Highlights.
Highly recommend.
That said, this channel is heavily inspired by the one mentioned above, as you can probably see.

Episodes in the negatives? Yeah, weird. Don't really know how to handle going forward and backward at the same time.

Clips from between 27.03.2021 and 2.04.2021

Among Us - Hafu lobbies
Minecraft Pixelmon
The Binding of Isaac: Repentance

0:00 - f-f-f-f***ing vote Aipha by Atlan2S
0:17 - ToastFPS fell from a high place. by themeowingangel
1:13 - blblbl by twoandahalfscums
1:20 - Chilled's Pokemon Exchange Program by Angrybandicoot
2:06 - The Slide by Zarcyne1
2:47 - Greg's Trade by sherbertsunday
3:08 - Dumbdog praises Steve by BlueEyeLife
3:38 - if you're gonna flame me be correct by AngelRose
3:47 - Hafu acting sus... WHAT!? by RyuuSix
4:46 - Can't help those who don't want it by AntiParagon
4:59 - oH Steve's dEad? That's cRaZy WTH by emily494184
5:57 - "I just want a Salazzle" by SirToastyT
6:23 - Tina vented AAAAAAH by emily494184
7:14 - Oh, Good by ARYDead
7:21 - DumbDog sings the pokemon theme song by TasianaTurtle
8:21 - SEE YA NERD by Atma_Phoenix
8:32 - lgwS Stranger Danger by OoBlob
9:20 - ON A NUT by twoandahalfscums
9:34 - Veggie Burger by RyuuSix
10:10 - the nutte jump by twoandahalfscums
10:34 - plot twist by aubreyyes
10:59 - There he goes by steven421
11:17 - Speedy figures it out by serbubblez
11:45 - dumbdog wont tell anyone by caroline_________________
11:59 - Dumbdog having so much fun killing stebon by DuggsOfNothing
12:23 - What do you sound like? by SirTainLeOldenuff
12:44 - That task isn't okay by emily494184
13:03 - [audible pog] by Lexiwa
13:13 - steve don't know sheet by kobrona
13:28 - The Verdict: It is bad. by Eisigerhauch
14:08 - dumbdog kill by caroline_________________
14:18 - stebon song by emily494184
14:39 - HOLY F---!!!!! by CosmicOverthinker
15:11 - Dumbdog loves towels by Jrooster49
15:48 - Apollo tells a joke by DannyTurtle
15:59 - It's every time man by laserbazooka
16:22 - This Feels Wrong by Zarcyne1
16:50 - dumbbutt steve's dumb booty by twoandahalfscums
17:12 - HELLOWOWOWOWOWOW by emily494184
17:34 - Apollo finally shares his true feelings about 5up by TortugaCub
17:46 - KEWKEWKEW by DSKOaura
18:14 - Vannila Skadj by Angrybandicoot
18:42 - DumbDog with that voice by batmanisco22


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