FBR apply krna ka طریقہ treqa ||FBR centers provance national quota| اپنا کوٹہ سیٹوں کی پہچان

Описание к видео FBR apply krna ka طریقہ treqa ||FBR centers provance national quota| اپنا کوٹہ سیٹوں کی پہچان


1. The eligible candidates are advised to submit their application on the prescribed form available on link i.e.

https://fbr.gov.pk/jobs-vacancy-annou... upon FBR website www.fbr.gov.pk

and field

Advirtisement link 👇

offices (duly filled in/complete in all respects) to the Admin officers of respective Tax Office. Candidates applying for
more than one post should submit separate application form in separate envelope, clearly marked against the post
applied for and obtain separate receiving of the same. The applications submitted and received in wrong office will be
straight away rejected.fbr jobs application

Applications are invited from eligible candidates against following vacant posts in field formations of Inland Revenue, FBR
from Pakistani Nationals on local basis in case of vacancies of (BS 1 to 5) and from candidates domiciled of the province or
region concerned in case of vacancies of (BS 6 to 15):form

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Admin name : Muhammad Arfat
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