Hindu Temple attacked in Australia😱

Описание к видео Hindu Temple attacked in Australia😱

Melbourne: Another temple in Australia has been vandalized and desecrated with Hindu religious symbols, prompting police to investigate the incident as a hate crime, media reported on Wednesday.
This act of vandalism was noticed when the devotees came for ‘darshan’ as the three-day long “Thai Pongal” festival is being celebrated by the Tamil Hindu community. Melbourne Hindu community member Sachin Mahate said, “If these Khalistan supporters have the courage they should go and draw graffiti on the Victorian Parliament building rather than target peaceful Hindu communities’ religious places.” #hindutemple #hindutemplenearme #kailasatemple #shivavishnutemple #indiantemple #prambanantemple #venkateswaratemple #indiantemplenearme #srivenkateswaratemple #bapstemple #sivavishnutemple


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