Two Dots in Your Signature? Here’s What They Really Mean | Graphology Signature Analysis!

Описание к видео Two Dots in Your Signature? Here’s What They Really Mean | Graphology Signature Analysis!

A simple dot in your Signature can reveal many things about you. Many people put dots in their signatures. Now those dots can be one or two which could be below name or after name. Here we are studying about 2 dots present below the signature. Graphology signature analysis is a very interesting science, as you can find many things about someone by just looking at their sign!

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Created By:
Akhilesh Bhagwat (Graphology Expert And Founder At Graphologymadesimple)
Books (Best Sellers On Amazon In India),

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Complete Certification Courses,

1. Handwriting Analysis Online Certification Course: https://courses.graphologymadesimple....
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2. Signature Analysis Online Certification Course: https://courses.graphologymadesimple....
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3. Graphotherapy Course: https://courses.graphologymadesimple....
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4. Graphology Complete KIT: https://courses.graphologymadesimple....

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