आम का पत्ती जल जा रहा है | mango leaf burn Deaseas | aam ka patta sukh raha hai kya control kare

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आम का पत्ती जल जा रहा है | mango leaf burn Deaseas | aam ka patta sukh raha hai kya control kare

aam ka paudha sukh raha hai kya kare,
mango leaf burn Deaseas,
mango leaf burn ho ja raha hai kya kare,
mango ki pattiya burn ho ja rahi hai kya kare,
mango plant leaves burn control,
aam ki patti jal ja raha hai control,
आम की पत्ती जल जा रहा है क्या करें,
आम की पत्ती सुख रहा है क्या करें,
आम की नई पत्तियाँ सुख रहा है क्या करें

#mangoleafburn #mangotip #leafburn #leaf #deasease #kishan #youtube #khetibadi

Causes Mango Tipburn
When you inspect your mango tree and find mango leaves with burnt tips, the plant is probably suffering from a physiological disease called tipburn. The primary symptom of tipburn of mango tree leaves is necrotic sections around the leaf edges. If your mango leaf tips are burnt, you may ask what causes mango tipburn. It is important to figure out the cause of the condition in order to begin appropriate treatment of tipburn.
Tipburn of mango plant leaves is often, though not always, caused by one of two conditions. Either the mango plant is not getting enough water or else salt has accumulated in the soil. Both can occur at the same time, but either one can result in mango tree leaves with burnt tips.
If you water your plant regularly, you are not likely to see tipburn of mango plant leaves caused by a moisture deficiency. Usually, sporadic irrigation or extreme fluctuations in soil moisture is the kind of cultural plant care that results in tipburn.
An even more likely cause is salt accumulation in the soil. If your plant’s drainage is poor, salt can build up in the soil, causing tipburn of mango leaves. A magnesium deficiency is yet another possible cause of this problem.

आम का खतरनाक रोग कण्ट्रोल और मैनेजमेंट | How to Control Mango leaf burn desease | By Krishi Gyan

About this video : - Tip burn in Mango
The primary symptom of tipburn of mango leaves is necrotic sections around the leaf edges. It is important to figure out the cause of the condition in order to begin appropriate treatment. Tipburn of mango leaves is often, though not always, caused by one of three conditions.

a. The plant is not getting enough water

b. Salt has accumulated in the soil.

c. A magnesium deficiency is yet another possible cause of this problem.

All can occur at the same time, but either one can result in mango leaves with burnt tips. If you water your plant regularly, you are not likely to see tipburn of mango leaves caused by a moisture deficiency. Usually, sporadic irrigation or extreme fluctuations in soil moisture is the kind of cultural care that results in tipburn. Tipburn caused by fluctuations in moisture can be solved by regularizing irrigation. Set a schedule for watering your plant and stick to it.

Salt Injury: If your plant’s drainage is poor, salt can build up in the soil, causing tipburn of mango leaves. If salt has built up in the soil, try heavy watering to flush salts out from the root zone. If the soil has drainage issues, make drainage channels. Grow sunhemp as green manure crop as intercrop during rainy season and plough back at 50% flowering…This should be practiced atleast 4 to 5 years

Magnesium deficiency: use a foliar spray of compost tea (if organic farmer) potassium chloride KCl 2% (chemical farming). Repeat every two weeks.
#mangoleafburn #mangoburn #mangodesease #KrishiGyanShubham #Agriculture #भारतीयकृषि #आमकारोग


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