IKEA Skarsta assembly: DIY sit/stand desk instructions

Описание к видео IKEA Skarsta assembly: DIY sit/stand desk instructions

Bought the IKEA Skarsta desk but usually struggle to assemble IKEA furniture without starting over at least twice? In that case, this video is for you.

With every stage and tool filmed (including a few extra that would be useful too), hopefully this will help you have your desk rolling up to standing position in no time... I made this video after watching the other videos and there are a few things they don't show quite as well.

I did still make a tiny mistake (haha) but I defy you to work out what it was, and I have a very good hack for fixing it fast: see this video:    • IKEA Skarsta desk assembly: quick fix...  .

Please like my video, I made it after reading the instructions and other videos, and I felt there were things missing from them which I've covered in this video.

Music licensed with Songfreedom.


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