LAWDY MISS CLAWDY - Elvis Presley - Let's Play it acoustic!

Описание к видео LAWDY MISS CLAWDY - Elvis Presley - Let's Play it acoustic!

Lawdy Miss Clawdy acoustic version, Elvis Presley Style.
Lawdy Miss Clawdy is a song by New Orleans singer/songwriter Lloyd Price that grandly introduced The New Orleans Sound. It was first recorded by Price in 1952 with Fats Domino and Dave Bartholomew during his first session for Art Rupe and Specialty Records. The song became one of the biggest selling R&B records of 1952 and crossed over to other audiences.
Price's song has also been identified as one of the first rhythm and blues records to attract the attention of white Southern teenagers, among them Elvis Presley, who cut his own version four years later and become a repertoire staple of local country bands".
A variety of other artists have then recorded this song.

Recorded (audio and video) at Kalakuta Recpublic Studio.
Audio Recording by Kalakuta Recpublic Studio.
Audio editing by gm Studio.
Video recording by Studio Gudu.
Video Editing by Studio Gudu.

Vocal and guitar: Piero Chisari
Bass: Francesco Rizzuti
Drums: Vincenzo Nasso
Guitar: L'Omino con la chitarra

#elvispresley #acousticguitar #lawdymissclawdy


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