Dota 2: Arteezy - 'GG End' means We will Defend like our Lives are at Stake | Victory Speech Poggers

Описание к видео Dota 2: Arteezy - 'GG End' means We will Defend like our Lives are at Stake | Victory Speech Poggers

After a rough day with 5 losses in a row, Arteezy plays his classic Arc Warden. His support Disruptor was being passive aggressive, but they were able to win their lane and secure Arteezy a quick Midas. Arteezy with a good early game, in addition to his insanely efficient farming patterns, enabled him to rush Malestrom and BoTs and gank everywhere on the map.

Going into the second game with momentum, Arteezy picks Terrorblade, as he 'feels a win coming'. Again, Arteezy owns his lane with his support Wyvern, and made the enemy Venomancer tilt. His opponents essentially had to play a 4v5, as Venomancer was done with the game. We take those.

With his 2 game win streak, Arteezy got over-confident and decided to play carry Queen of Pain. His reasoning for this pick, was so that he could 'win the lane' with a support Oracle. Well, 7 minutes into the game, the enemy Shadow Shaman tilted and ran it down mid. Dire throws in the towel via text, but continue to play like it's their final Dota match ever. Arteezy's team loses focus and throws away an incredibly large lead, and getting out-scaled by the late game.

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00:00 - 06:43 - Breaking the Losing Streak
06:44 - 07:09 - Winner's Speech
07:10 - 12:19 - Continuing the Win Streak
12:20 - 23:22 - TI10 Grand Finals

#Arteezy #Rtz #Dota2


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