Ronnie Phex Live @ The Monastery 2000

Описание к видео Ronnie Phex Live @ The Monastery 2000

This was truly the best night club Torquay will ever have to offer. It will go down in history. Hundreds of happy ravers from all around the country every week up for what ever the world of party will throw at them. A massive shout to Sally, Don, all the staff and the dedicated faithfuls who made it week in, week out for making a it part of my life and a time I will never forget.

It didn't matter who you were, where you come from or what you were into. It was was one love.

If you have never had inter mate hug with a complete stranger on stairwell in a church attic then you have not lived.

It was a great pleasure to have the honour of smashing the tits out of what was one of the greatest dance floors ever assembled.

PS Ewoks are real. x


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