KUROKAMI[地唄『黒髪』(一丁一管)]唄・三絃:福田栄香 + 尺八:寄田真見乃 / 画:上村松園

Описание к видео KUROKAMI[地唄『黒髪』(一丁一管)]唄・三絃:福田栄香 + 尺八:寄田真見乃 / 画:上村松園

A song portraying the feelings of an ill-fated woman whose heart is overcome with grief for not being able to even communicate with her child from whom she has been separated.

The lyricist of Kurokami is unknown, but Rennyo Shonin has been suggested as a possibility.
When Rennyo Shonin (infant name, Hoteimaru) was six years old, his father Zonnyo wedded a legal wife, and Rennyo’s mother was sent away. Before she was separated from her loving son forever, she dressed Hoteimaru with a dapple-patterned kosode robe which she had been sewing, and had an artist paint him in the kosode robe. The mother is said to have returned to her birthplace Onomichi with the painting, and was never heard from again. (There are various versions of the story.) In Onomichi, there was Konrenji, a Shijo Dojo of the Jishu sect. Rennyo, yearning for his loving mother, tried hard to find clues as to her whereabouts from itinerant Jishu monks, but his wish to see her again was not fulfilled when he died at age 85.

FUKUDA, Eika: koto & shamisen player and Vocalist (third headmaster of the Ikuta Ryu Mitsunonekai school) http://fukuda-eika.com/
YORITA, Mamino: shakuhachi player (Kinko Ryu Grand Master)
Performed at Kongoh Nohgakudou (Kyoto)

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・福田栄香(生田流三ツの音会三代目家元 )http://fukuda-eika.com/

黒髪の 結ぼれたる 思いをば
とけて寝た夜(よ)の 枕こそ
ひとり寝る夜(よ)の 仇枕(あだまくら)
袖は片敷く(かたしく) 夫(つま)じゃというて
愚痴な女子(おなご)の 心と知らで
しんと更(ふ)けたる 鐘の声
夕べの夢の 今朝(けさ)さめて
ゆかし懐かし やるせなや
積もると知らで 積もる白雪(しらゆき)

母はこの寿像(じゅぞう)を抱いて故郷の尾道(おのみち:現 広島県尾道市)に帰り、消息を絶ったとされています。 ※諸説あります
尾道には時宗(じしゅう)の四条道場 金蓮寺(こんれんじ)がありました。慈母(じぼ)に熱い思いをはせる蓮如は、諸国を遍歴(へんれき)する時宗の旅僧達から母の消息の手がかりを懸命に捜し続けましたが、85歳で遷化(せんげ)するまでついに対面することは叶いませんでした。

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《上村松園 作品名[所蔵]リスト / List of Uemura Shoen’s Works》
 ※2019年6月現在(As of June, 2019)

・庭の雪(1948)[山種美術館]/ YUKI NO NIWA(1948)[Yamatane Museum of Art]
・つれづれ(1941)[山種美術館]/ TSUREZURE(1941)[Yamatane Museum of Art]
・待月(1944年)[足立美術館]/ TARGETS(1944)Adachi Museum of Art]
・京美人之図(1935年)[ヤマタネ]/ KYOBIJIN NO ZU(1935)[Yamatane]
・新蛍(1943年)[東京国立近代美術館]]/ NIIBOTARU(1943)[The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo]
・蛍(1913年)[山種美術館]/ HOTARU(1913)[Yamatane Museum of Art]
・鴛鴦髷(1935)[個人蔵]/ OSHIDORIMAGE(1935)[private collection]
・灯(1937)[出光美術館]/ TOMOSHIBI(1937)[Idemitsu Museum of Arts]
・志ぐれ(1936年)[水野美術館]/ SHIGURE(1936)[Mizuno Museum of art]
・春芳(1940)[山種美術館]/ SHUMPO(1940)[Yamatane Museum of Art]
・母子(1934)[東京国立近代美術館]/ BOSHI(1934)[The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo]
・虹を見る(1932)[京都国立近代美術館]/ NIJI O MIRU(1932)[The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo]
・志ゃぼん玉(1903)[木原文庫]/ SHABONDAMA(1903)[Kiharabunko]
・牡丹雪(1944)[山種美術館]/ BOTANYUKI(1944)[Yamatane Museum of Art]
・青眉(1934)[吉野石膏]/ AOMAYU(1934)[Yoshino Gypsum]
・虫の音(1938年)[MOA美術館]/ MUSHI NO NE(1939)[MOA Museum of Art]
・緑雨(1938)[-]/ RYOKU(1938)[-]
・娘深雪(1914)[足立美術館]/ MUSUMEMIYUKI(1914)[Adachi Museum of Art]
・雪(1942年)[個人蔵]/ Yuki(1942)[private collection]
・鼓の音(1940年)[松柏美術館]/ TSUZUMI NO NE(1940)[Shohaku Museum of Art]
・男舞(1938)[名都美術館]/ OTOKOMAI(1938)[Meito Art Museum]
・序の舞(1936年)[東京芸術大学]/ JO NO MAI(1936)[Tokyo University of the Arts]
・風(1939)[北野美術館]/ Kaze(1939)[Kitano Museum of Art]
・麗容(1944年)[個人蔵]/ REIYO(1944)[private collection]
・多から舩(1921)[六道珍皇寺]/ TAKARABUNE(1921)[Rokudouchinnou-ji]

◆General Corporation Juridical Person gem|Shakuhachi player Mamino Yorita & Yoshinobu Taniguchi

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