Visit to Wounded-in-Action (WIA) Soldiers 10/31/2016

Описание к видео Visit to Wounded-in-Action (WIA) Soldiers 10/31/2016

Jolo, Sulu
October 31, 2016

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte visited the Wounded-in-Action (WIA) soldiers in Jolo, Sulu after a recent encounter with the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG).

The WIA soldiers had an incident with the ASG in Patikul, Sulu on October 30, 2016 where a hundred rebels exchanged fire with the government troops, resulting to the deaths and injuries of the rebels. Based on reports, six (6) ASG members were killed in the said encounter.

Eight (8) army soldiers sustained injuries during the clash, and six (6) among them were rushed to the Camp General Teodulfo Bautista Station Hospital in Jolo. The other two (2) soldiers were transferred to Zamboanga City for immediate medical attention.

President Duterte honored the bravery of the injured troops by awarding them the Wounded Personnel Medal. He also gave cash, medical assistance, and brand new .45 caliber handguns to each soldier.

“Kung may kailangan kayo, gamot, cash assistance, anything, magsabi kayo sa akin,” the Commander-in-Chief said.

The President also visited the other soldiers admitted in the hospital where he shared a short and friendly chat with them, as well as listened to their concerns.

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