Ana Attacker Kunkka X3 Divine Rapier Vs PhanTom Lancer X10 illusion Epic Fight | Ana Stream 217

Описание к видео Ana Attacker Kunkka X3 Divine Rapier Vs PhanTom Lancer X10 illusion Epic Fight | Ana Stream 217

►Ana Attacker Kunkka X3 Divine Rapier Vs PhanTom Lancer X10 illusion Epic Fight | Ana Stream 217
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►Dota 2 is a massively multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed by Valve Corporation, based on a popular mod game - Defense of the Ancients, from the Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos game and the opener. wide of it The Frozen Throne. First announced on October 23, 2010 through Game Informer, the game was later put to the test with a free beta via a system gift code. Valve publishes Dota 2 through their Steam operating system through which the game is updated in tandem with the DotA versioning system.
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Dota 2 is currently the entertainment game with the largest prize pool in the history of e-sports - The International, season 10 prize money amounting to more than 40 million USD. The current version of the game is 7.30e (October 28, 2021), with a new hero named Marci, increasing the number to 122 heroes.
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